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Praying Hands

Prayer Ministry



"Be anixious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Phillippians 4:6-7

Prayer is vital for a Christian and for a church. We emphasize prayer, and consider our prayer ministry to be one of the most important ministries in our church.

Our Prayer Ministry Team meets throughout the year for sharing and prayer. Working with the pastor, this group also coordinates an active Email Prayer Chain for Word of Life members and friends.  If you would like to request prayer please feel free to email your prayer request by using the link below:


Missions Ministry



Local Missions Supported by Word of Life Church:

Bedford Christian Ministries

Bedford County Ministerial Association

Bedford Pregnancy Center

Bedford Youth Focus, Inc.

Deeper Water Ministries (SML)

Food for Kids Backpack Ministry

Gideons (Bedford Chapter)

Lake Christian Ministries

Rescue Mission (Roanoke)


Missionaries Supported by Word of Life Church:

Ed & Elizabeth Grissom (Israel)

Brian & Yoko Broaddus (Japan)

G. Roy Mortha, Rays of Cross Ministry (India)

Nathanael and Darla Gregoriev (Cameroon, Africa)

We also support orphanages in India and Haiti, and sponsor children in Uganda and Colombia

"He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." 
Mark 16:15

Sister Churches Project in Chile, South America



One aspect and passion of Word of Life is spreading the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ to all of the world. a way in which we work to honor Him in this is through the plating and support of Churches.

Please pray for our sister churches in Chile:

Carahue, Loncoche, Mapuche, Nueva Imperial, Segunda Temuco, Tercera Temuco, and Villarrica


912 Burks Hill Rd.
Bedford, VA 24523


comunícate con nosotros


Bible Study @ 9:30 AM

Service@ 10:30 AM


Estudio Biblica en Español @ 6:00 PM

Service @ 7:00 PM

(con transduciones)


Email: wolec@aol,com

Phone: 540- 586-5066

Mail: P. O. Box 1214

Bedford, VA 24523

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