Welcome To Word of Life Church
Word of Life Evangelical Church is an independent, interdenominational, multi-racial, multi-generational church. Our name comes from Philippians 2:16, "holding fast the Word of Life." The term evangelical literally means "proclaiming good news." It applies to the understanding that Christians should share the good news of God's love and salvation offered in His Son, Jesus Christ, with others. The term has also come to describe Christians who are conservative theologically and place a high priority and value on the Bible as the Word of God. For us, this means a conscious effort to pattern our church after the New Testament model as closely as possible.
Although we are an independent church, we recognize our need for all the church; we fellowship and work with otherer possible, regardl churches whenevess of denominational affiliation. We believe it is wrong for Christian individuals and churches to isolate themselves from other Christians.
Word of Life Church upholds our commission to serve Christ, and spread His gospel, by working with other local churches in the community through the Bedford Ministerial Association, by supporting many missionaries across the world, and by acting as a sister Church to seven Methodist Churches in Chile, South America.